ask lh

  • Ask LH: How Do I Make Myself More Employable?

    Ask LH: How Do I Make Myself More Employable?

    It seems like all anyone is talking about at the moment are jobs, employability and the workforce. That’s probably because the Australian Government held the Jobs and Skills Summit last week, and there were some really interesting insights into the current employment landscape in the country. But for people looking for a new job or struggling…

  • Ask LH: What Causes Butt Acne and How Can I Get Rid of It?

    Ask LH: What Causes Butt Acne and How Can I Get Rid of It?

    Experiencing acne is not pleasant in any form, especially when it’s on your butt. Butt acne, or ‘butt-ne’, can be pretty awkward to talk about because well, it’s on your butt. And while it may sound a little gross, it’s actually super common to get pimples on your bum. But because it’s not often talked…