
  • 19 of the Best Movies With the Worst ‘Uncanny Valley’ Effects

    19 of the Best Movies With the Worst ‘Uncanny Valley’ Effects

    A movie doesn’t have to be a special effects extravaganza to be worth watching, but it seems like we’re increasingly uninterested in going to the theatre to see one if they’re not. And if we’re going to pay good money, we want to those special effects to look special. The move away from practical effects…

  • 20 of the Best Ghost Movies of All Time

    20 of the Best Ghost Movies of All Time

    A good scary movie makes us afraid of its ghosts; a great one sees ghosts for what they are: specters of the past. That past can be horrific — filled with darkness that we can never quite outrun. Ghosts can also be seductive, drawing us back to a past that we ought to have outgrown,…