
  • How to Hold a Coworker Accountable When Your Boss Won’t

    How to Hold a Coworker Accountable When Your Boss Won’t

    When working with teams, I hear a lot of complaints about bosses. One of the most common is about a manager who doesn’t hold people accountable. Someone (or maybe a couple people) on the team consistently perform poorly in their jobs, and the boss doesn’t do anything about it.

  • How To Find Time To Work On Creative Projects 

    How To Find Time To Work On Creative Projects 

    In 2017, I was making my living speaking and writing about productivity when my editor asked if I’d like to write a book that—like The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and The One Minute Manager — teaches a business lessons through stories. There was just one issue. When was I going to find the time…

  • What To Look For In An Online Personal Trainer

    What To Look For In An Online Personal Trainer

    Recent years have seen a surge of personal trainers who train people over the internet. This isn’t (always) a scam. Many online trainers are qualified, experienced virtual versions of the real deal who can help, and often more affordably than in-person trainers. Here’s how to find the right one for you.