abnormal psychology
10 Sociological Studies That Prove Humans Are the Worst (and How We Can Be Better)
Sociological studies, history, and a quick look at Twitter all confirm a simple fact: People are terrible. We’re terrible because we’re born that way, and because we work diligently toward terribleness. But don’t despair as you click through these examples of our wretched nature, because humans are also awesome (sometimes), and only through confronting and…
Don’t Say These Things to Someone Who Has Lost Weight (and What to Say Instead)
In our body-obsessed culture, you may experience an understandable urge to say something — anything — when you notice a friend, co-worker, or acquaintance has lost some weight since you last saw them. But even the most well-intentioned comments can end up sounding dismissive, fatphobic, or simply rude.
How to Tell Whether You’re Stressed or Depressed
Stress and depression can look and feel very similar to each other. Some of the common symptoms for both include issues with sleeping, eating, concentration, and mood, as well as difficulties performing daily tasks. Physically, there’s a lot of overlap between stress and depression, as both affect the immune system, leading to an increase in…
How to Lower Your Teen’s Risk of Addiction
We don’t want to believe that our adolescent children will abuse any addictive substances, but we also know that it’s increasingly likely they will as they get older. By 12th grade, about two-thirds of students will have tried alcohol, according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention; nearly half of all high school students…