• What to Do When the Tips of Your Plant’s Leaves Turn Brown

    What to Do When the Tips of Your Plant’s Leaves Turn Brown

    It sucks finding brown leaf-tips on your little plant baby: You know it’s your fault, but you’re not sure what you’ve done wrong, and it’s not like your plant can recriminate you for your failures (it probably wants to though.) If you find brown leaf-tips on your houseplant, you’ll have to do some botanical detective…

  • Finally, a Universal Watchlist for All Your Streaming Services

    Finally, a Universal Watchlist for All Your Streaming Services

    Streamer’s fatigue — in which you jump endlessly from one streaming app to another, trying to figure out what to watch — is real. Or you come across something online you know you want to watch, but you don’t know where to stream it. This is a problem that companies like Apple and Google have…