• These Smart Devices Can Transform Your Garden

    These Smart Devices Can Transform Your Garden

    Gardening is proven to be beneficial for your physical and mental health. There’s sunshine, and exercise, and all the fresh fruits and vegetables. Still, gardening can be a lot—and smart devices can take some of the burden off your garden responsibilities, keeping you free for the stuff you really enjoy. These devices don’t just free…

  • The Best Raycast Extensions for Practically Anything

    The Best Raycast Extensions for Practically Anything

    Raycast, which is free for individual users, is my favorite Spotlight replacement. This is an application you can launch with a simple keyboard shortcut to see a simple text box. Type a few characters to do just about anything. There’s plenty of functionality built in—you can launch any application just by beginning to type its…

  • You Can Use Your iPhone to Find a Specific Book on Your Shelves

    You Can Use Your iPhone to Find a Specific Book on Your Shelves

    Some people organize their book shelves by author name, book title, or even by color—but if you take a more chaotic approach and can never find the book you’re looking for, the optical character recognition (OCR) feature on the iPhone can help you out. Just take a photo, wait a few minutes, and search for…