The Latest Tips and Tricks To Level Up Every Aspect Of Your Life

We’re here to give you all the life hacks you need to become your very own superhero and stay entertained, whether it’s at home or on an island far away.

  • Try This 3-Step Method the Next Time You Take a Test

    Try This 3-Step Method the Next Time You Take a Test

    We talk a lot about test prep, but not as much about what you should do when it’s time to sit down and actually take a test. Whether it’s for a class, a certification, an entrance exam, or something else, there are some simple ways to tackle test-taking that can help you do better and…

  • 10 Hidden Design Features That People Ignore Every Day

    10 Hidden Design Features That People Ignore Every Day

    Most of us go through life pretty confident we know how to use basic products—after all, it’s not complicated to figure out how to use a Swiffer, and you don’t need a YouTube tutorial to understand the proper use of peanut butter (eat it, in case you’re wondering). There are, of course, off-label uses for…

  • What Is Zone 2 Cardio, and How Do I Actually Do It?

    What Is Zone 2 Cardio, and How Do I Actually Do It?

    Low intensity cardio—sometimes called LISS or “zone 2”—is an underrated form of exercise. It’s finally coming back into fashion after spending years on the sidelines while HIIT and lifting-only routines ran the field. But what is zone 2 cardio, exactly? Why should you do it? And how do you know if you’re doing it correctly? What…

  • How Long Can You Actually Go Without Sleep?

    How Long Can You Actually Go Without Sleep?

    Sleepless nights are a reality for many of us: parents of newborns, students cramming for tests, people struggling with insomnia. We all know that we need to sleep, but come on, can’t we go without it for a while? Sort of, but it’s not pretty.  The world records for sleep deprivation The most famous record…