
Everything you need to make your house a home: tasy recipes, food hacks, renovation ideas, interiors inspiration, renovation tips and more.

  • The Lavazza A Modo Mio Voicy’s Best Feature Isn’t Its Smarts

    The Lavazza A Modo Mio Voicy’s Best Feature Isn’t Its Smarts

    While the Voicy shares the basic functions of the other machines in Lavazza’s A Modo Mio range – fill the water tank, lift lever or slide back cover, insert a coffee pod and then hit go – its unique feature is the inclusion of an Alexa-enabled smart speaker. The easiest way to describe the Lavazza…

  • How to Make Your Smart TV ‘Dumber’ (and Why You Should)

    How to Make Your Smart TV ‘Dumber’ (and Why You Should)

    When people want to illustrate how fast technology advances in the modern era, they often reach for the (admittedly astonishing) fact that it only took us 66 years to go from the first manned flight to landing people on the moon. While it’s undeniably incredible to think that a human being could witness both of…