Lindsey Ellefson

  • Try This 3-Step Method the Next Time You Take a Test

    Try This 3-Step Method the Next Time You Take a Test

    We talk a lot about test prep, but not as much about what you should do when it’s time to sit down and actually take a test. Whether it’s for a class, a certification, an entrance exam, or something else, there are some simple ways to tackle test-taking that can help you do better and…

  • Get Rid of ‘Zero Days’ to Be More Productive Long-Term

    Get Rid of ‘Zero Days’ to Be More Productive Long-Term

    Productivity hacks often revolve around making intricate to-do lists every morning and finding a way to get into “deep work” for sustained periods throughout the day. Those sorts of heavy lifts are important, yes, but finding a way to make small, incremental progress is just as good if that’s what works for you. For long-term…