Lifehacker Australia

  • You’re Not Imagining It: Everyone Is Burnt Out Right Now

    You’re Not Imagining It: Everyone Is Burnt Out Right Now

    You’ve probably heard about the “great resignation” which saw large numbers of people resigning from their jobs in the US in 2021 and 2022. We didn’t see resignations over and above what is normal in Australia. However, we did see workers resisting the post-COVID return to the office. To better understand these trends, we conducted…

  • 5 Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health During Financial Stress

    5 Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health During Financial Stress

    Financial stress is affecting us in many different ways. Some people are struggling to pay bills, feed the family, or maintain a place to live. Others are meeting their basic needs but are dipping into their savings for extras. Financial stress is increasing and, understandably, is causing some distress. In recent months, Lifeline has seen…

  • Anxious Dogs Have Different Brains to Normal Dogs, Study Reveals

    Anxious Dogs Have Different Brains to Normal Dogs, Study Reveals

    Dog ownership is a lot of furry companionship, tail wags and chasing balls, and ample unconditional love. However, some dog owners are also managing canine pals struggling with mental illness. A newly published study in PLOS ONE has examined the brain scans of anxious and non-anxious dogs, and correlated them with behaviour. The research team…