If you’re looking for hints and answers for Strands for Saturday, August 24, 2024, read on—I’ll share some clues and tips, and finally the solution to the puzzle with the theme “Crumby theme.”
For an easy way to come back to our Strands hints every day, bookmark this page. You can also find our past hints there as well, in case you want to know what you missed in a previous puzzle.
Below, I’ll give you some oblique hints at today’s Strands answers. And farther down the page, I’ll reveal the spangram and the answers. Scroll slowly and take just the hints you need!
Hint for the spangram in today’s Strands puzzle
A type of “crumby” food that often comes in a square shape, and is usually eaten with cheese or soup.
Hint for the theme words in today’s Strands puzzle
These are all types of those foods described in the spangram—some are brand names, and some are more general categories or styles.
BEWARE: Spoilers follow for today’s Strands puzzle!
We’re about to give away the answers to today’s Strands puzzle.
What is the spangram in today’s Strands?
Today’s spangram is CRACKERS.
What are the theme words in today’s Strands?
Here’s what the board looks like when the puzzle is solved:
How I solved today’s Strands
Today’s puzzle probably consists of foods that are “crumby,” but I can’t think of any right off the bat. (Except for those Nature Valley bars, but that’s not likely to be a theme word.)
Well, I can form the words WRIST and RACIST in the bottom left corner, but as expected, they are non-theme words. I can almost form the word WRETCHED, too, which makes me wonder whether the words could be synonyms for “crummy.”
Ah ha, there’s SALTINE in the upper right corner. ? A very crumby food, indeed.
I find TACO in the bottom half of the puzzle, but it’s not a hit—have they never had a hard-shell taco before?
There’s the spangram from left to right: CRACKERS. ?
SODA is below the spangram, and that’s surprisingly a hit. ? I don’t really see how that fits the theme—maybe soda bread? Oh, soda crackers, duh.
GOLDFISH lines the top of the spangram. ?
ANIMAL (referring to animal crackers) is in the upper left corner. ?
RICE splits the bottom half of the puzzle in half. ?
WATER is in the bottom left. ?
Lastly, OYSTER, my personal favorite. ? Man, now I’m hungry.
How to play Strands
You can find the Strands game on the New York Times website and in the NYT Games app.
When you start playing, you’ll see a game board with an assortment of letters, flanked by a clue that gives a hint at the board’s theme—this will be a phrase, like “Better with age.” Your job is to find the hidden words within the board that reflect the puzzle’s theme.
A crossword crossed with a word search
The most important word to find is the “spangram,” a word that more explicitly states the puzzle’s theme. (For example, the spangram for the puzzle with the theme “Better with age” is FERMENTED, which describes products that are, you guessed it, better with age.) The spangram will span the entire game board, either from left to right or top to bottom (hence the name). When you find the spangram, it will be highlighted in yellow. Solving the spangram usually makes the rest of the puzzle much easier to complete.
In Strands, words can travel any direction (up, down, left, right, and diagonal), and you will only use each letter once. There is only one correct solution. When you correctly identify one of the puzzle’s words (for example, KOMBUCHA, MISO, or KIMCHI), it will be highlighted in blue.
If you are struggling to solve the puzzle, you can submit any non-theme words you see (as long as they are four letters or more) to receive credit toward a single hint. If you submit three non-theme words, the “Hint” button will be clickable; if you click it, all of the letters in one of the theme words will be highlighted for you. You will still have to link these highlighted letters in the right order to form one of the theme words. If there is already a hint on the board and you use another hint before solving for that word, that word’s letter order will be revealed.
How to win Strands
Unlike Connections and Wordle, you cannot fail Strands. When you submit guesses, you will either correctly identify an answer, receive credit toward a hint, or the text will shake back and forth, indicating that the word you submitted is too short or not valid. You can’t run out of guesses, and there is no time limit.
You win when you’ve correctly used all the letters on the board, meaning that you have identified the spangram and all of the theme words. Like other NYT games, upon solving the puzzle, you will see a shareable card that indicates how you performed that day: blue dots ? indicate theme words you found, the yellow dot ? indicates when you found the spangram, and a lightbulb ? indicates words that you received a hint for.
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