These times, they are fort-building times. These are hunker down, curl up, leave-me-the-eff-alone times. But maybe by now, 10(ish) weeks into this pandemic, you’ve run out of fresh ways to toss a blanket over a couple of chairs and call it a fort. I certainly had. But IKEA Russia is here to help spark our fort-engineering imagination.
IKEA Russia and creative agency Instinct have created six fort designs that parents and kids can recreate at home. The instructions are as barebones as you would expect from IKEA, with basically just rudimentary drawings to help guide you. But that’s really all you need. Each design is based off at least one piece of IKEA furniture, but you can use whatever similar furniture you already have.
My nine-year-old son and I decided to give one a try. We looked through each design, narrowed it down to two or three and then he chose the one he thought would give him the most privacy. (At least half the fun of having a fort is building the fort, I have discovered.) We decided to go with the “cave” design, which seems a tiny bit obvious to me now, but was a method we’d never tried before.
We don’t have the particular chair that is pictured, but we do have a glider in a corner of our living room that we figured would work just as well:
We collected up the items we’d need: A sheet, a handful of books, a pillow and some strands of lights for ambiance. Within 15 minutes, our fort was complete:
Here are the other five fort designs (I personally want to try “castle” next):
Each fort design utilises items you probably already have around the home: tables, chairs, blankets, pillows, clothespins, books, battery-operated lights—and large stuffed animals for companionship.
You can see more examples of how families recreated these forts at home over at Bored Panda.
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