This Site Offers Australia’s Coronavirus Case Tally With Informative Graphs

If you’re finding it tough keeping up to date with Australia’s coronavirus tally, you’re not alone. While national figures are being updated daily on the Department of Health’s site, it’s not particularly easy on the eye compared with the other more popular options out there. Luckily, a group of Australians are collating up-to-date figures and putting it in easy-to-read graphs for us.

The site is pretty simply called Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Australia and it does exactly what the label says. It provides users with a number of easy-to-read graphs, including overall case tally, the increase of cases each day, state tallies as well as how the country’s tracking globally.

While looking at the figures is enough for most of us, it’s good to consider it in perspective and these graphs highlight the exponential rise in just the past seven days as well as how our outbreak is comparing to other countries a few weeks ahead of us.

It was created by an Australian journalist, Juliette O’Brien, and is maintained by a team of volunteers to keep the site up and running.

If you’re looking to make sense of the figures and how the outbreak is tracking in the country, the site is going to give you a better overview of the data coming in. That’s likely going to tell you more than any single, ominous figure would.

This article has been updated since its original publication.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”How To Track The Number Of Coronavirus Cases In Australia” excerpt=”Spreading faster than the coronavirus outbreak itself is the wealth of information about it. Despite there being plenty available, our understanding of the virus and its spread has been changing more rapidly than we can manage regular updates for. This is best shown with Australia’s own case count. While it’s provided through the federal health department, it’s not being updated as quickly as others so figures soon become outdated. If you want to know how many confirmed coronavirus cases there are in Australia, here are some of the best sources to check.”]


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