Sometimes The Best Cocktail Is A Glass Of Wine

“Just stay home” is not as relaxing as it sounds. Some of us are performing our actual jobs from our couches and kitchen tables, and many of us have taken on additional labour like schooling children, or cooking three entire meals a day. We’ve also had to become our own bartenders which, as it turns out, is a job I do not like.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”” title=”Stanley Tucci’s Negroni Has Me Shaken, Not Stirred” excerpt=”They say rules are made to be broken, but you have to understand the rules before you can break them effectively. Cocktailing has a lot of rules, and a lot of rule breakers, but Stanley Tucci is breaking Negroni rules in a way that has me questioning if I really understood the drink in the first place. (I am, surprisingly, a big fan of rules. My rules tend to be different than other people’s, but once they are established, they are followed.)”]

I’m a wine drinker now, is what I’m saying. Not only is wine a finished, ready-to-drink product, a lot of restaurants in my city are selling their supply, so it’s an easy way to support them. Plus, you don’t have to squeeze any citrus, which is good, because squeezing citrus is just more (sticky) labour.


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