How To Transform A Cluttered House (Without Throwing Out Your Stuff)

With the social distancing and isolation measures currently in place due to the COVID-19 outbreak, a sense of boredom is setting in for many households. After all, there’s only so much Netflix you can watch before you feel like you’ve become a part of the couch you’re sitting on. While you might be yearning for outdoor activities that feel so far away, finding productive ways to pass the time at home is all we can do for the moment.

This article has been sponsored by National Storage.

It could even be the perfect opportunity to declutter and organise your home. A cluttered home can lead to lost items and a general sense of disorganisation which can contribute to stress, particularly when you’re in a rush and that kitchen appliance isn’t where you expected it to be.

Here are some tips to help you kick things off.

Tackle one space at a time

You don’t have to get everything done in one day.

Set aside time to tackle small sections of your home, even if it’s as short as five minutes. You’ll be surprised at what you can get done in even small amounts of time. You may even get into a groove and find yourself going for longer than you had originally anticipated.

Not only will starting small get you into a good habit of decluttering over time but before you know it, your entire home will be far more organised.

Organise your belongings

When tackling an area of your home, the first and easiest thing to do is sort each item into one of two categories; put away and storage.

The put away box is for anything you can place within your home and the storage box should be used for things you want to hold onto but will store externally.

Self-storage facilities like National Storage can offer solutions based on your needs, with storage centres in Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Perth, Sydney and many more locations across Australia. You can even set up storage space online and access it without a staff member present, which is particularly handy right now due to social distancing.

Organise your wardrobe

If your wardrobe is becoming something of a warzone, apply the same organisation principles above to sort through your clothes.

If space is an issue here, sort your outfits into seasonal categories so you know what you need now and what you can store for different seasons.

For example, if the year is heading into warmer months, you can put big bulky coats that often take up a lot of room into storage and swap them out when it cools down again. Just remember to leave a couple of items at home for those unseasonably warmer or colder days.

Dedicate part of your storage space to a rolling wardrobe that you can access whenever the weather starts to change with the seasons. Even heaters, fans or surfboards could be stored when you’re not using them.

Repurpose space in your home

The reality of this pandemic means that everyone needs to stay home as much as possible to help stop the spread. Of course, this means no going to the gym, the pub, working from home if you can and more.

If you have a spare room or garage, consider repurposing the space for the duration of the social distancing measures, which will likely be in place for months.

A garage is a great space for a makeshift gym, while an unused bedroom is easily transformed into a home office. Even if you need to utilise external storage to do this, it’ll be well worth having a place to exercise or work until the restrictions are lifted.

Storage supplies can help

Shelving, dividers, storage boxes or other home solutions may help with the items you’re keen to keep in the home.

Organise your belongings first to see exactly how much space you’ll need to supply. Concentrate on smaller solutions first, like dividers or storage boxes that can live under beds rather than buying big clunky shelving units that might be overkill.

Turn old furniture into something new

If you have bigger items taking up unnecessary space, consider repurposing them into something new. Old drawers, for example, could be turned into a single shelf, or even a planter for your garden. However, if you do decide you’d like to keep the bigger item, you can always upgrade your storage space as required.

Utilising storage space is a great way to declutter your home, particularly now while many of us have a lot of spare time at home.


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