Trump Bans Travel Between U.S. And Europe Because Of Coronavirus

In a televised statement on Thursday U.S. president Donald Trump announced strict new travel restrictions in response to COVID-19, also known as coronavirus.

According to the BBC, travel between the U.S. and Europe will be suspended for 30 days, beginning on Friday local time. President Trump referred to these new measures as “strong but necessary” as the confirmed cases has rises to 1,135 across the country. So far 38 have resulted in death.

Interestingly, these restrictions won’t apply United Kingdom where 460 cases have been confirmed.

President Trump went on to urge U.S. health insurance companies to extend coverage to coronavirus treatments. He also stated that he would soon be announcing an emergency action plan for impacted workers.

This news comes on the same day that the World Health Organisation declared coronavirus to be a pandemic.


[referenced url=”” thumb=”” title=”How Coronavirus Is Tested In Australia” excerpt=”With the number of confirmed coronavirus infections steadily rising in the country’s major cities, it’s likely more and more Australians with suspected symptoms will head in to get tested. In order to better understand how the process works, we asked the Department of Health what happens when you’re required to test.”]


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