Save Your Job Description For Future Salary Negotiations

You have the employment warm and fuzzies — at least for now. After a long application process that included at least one phone interview and two in-person interviews, you’ve been offered the job that you just know is perfect for you.

You have the precise skills and qualifications they need, the work is exactly what you love to do; you imagine you’ll be happy in this position for a good, long time.

You get the offer letter, you accept the job, and now that the deal is done, you can click out of the job description, recycle the official letter and start thinking about how you’ll peace out from your current job.

Wait, FREEZE. You might want to hang onto those documents. They could come in handy, as Reddit user misery_chastain points out:

Always save a copy of your position’s job posting and your employer’s offer letter.

This way, you can reference this when you go above and beyond your listed duties and point out to your employer why you deserve a raise.

Sure, the job description probably has that “other duties as assigned” caveat in there, but to be able to point to exactly what was expected of you and how much more you’ve brought to the role will be valuable in a future negotiation conversation.

(Please note this only works if you’re good at your job and do actually go above and beyond. Otherwise, probably not a great tactic.)


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