Enjoy This Peach-Mint Cocktail For No Particular Reason

What a week it has been. A lot going on. I don’t know how you like to relax, but if your weekend plans involve catching up on the news and political discourse, might I suggest you make yourself this delicious peach-mint cocktail before logging on.

[referenced url=”https://www.lifehacker.com.au/2019/09/make-a-better-screwdriver-with-curacao/” thumb=”https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_ku-large/st7e2myni8ou5pkgqpkx.jpg” title=”Make A Better Screwdriver With Curaçao” excerpt=”The screwdriver is not a bad drink, but it isn’t a great drink. The combination of orange juice and vodka isn’t hard to swallow, but I’ve never been like, “You know what I really crave right now? A freakin’ screwdriver.””]

I don’t know if you’ve combined these two flavours before, but they work surprisingly well together. In fact, the first time I took a sip of this beverage, I said to myself “Mmm! Peach! Mint!” because those were the flavours I was tasting, you see. (Say it with me now, see how it feels.)

Could it be argued that this sweet, summery beverage would have been appreciated earlier in the year? Sure, but at least we have it now, and that’s what matters, I guess.

Besides peach liqueur and fresh mojito mint, you’ll need a little cachaça, which brings a bit of funk. If you want to add a fourth ingredient, this drink is made even more celebratory when topped with ginger beer. To make the Mmm-Peach-Mint, you will need:

  • 8 fresh mojito mint leaves
  • 60ml cachaça
  • 30ml peach liqueur

Place the mint in a shaker tin and muddle it aggressively. Maybe use this moment to express and acknowledge any pent up frustrations you’ve been experiencing recently. Add the remaining two ingredients, plus a bunch of ice, and shake that shaker until it becomes too cold to hold.

Strain into a coupe through a fine mesh sieve, spank some more mint leaves and garnish with your spanked mint. Toast to whatever recent happenings have brought you a modicum of joy.


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