Apple has provided a minor surprise by releasing the public betas of iOS 13, iPadOS and macOS Catalina ahead of the expected timeframe, which anticipated the new software coming in July. And while that may be an exciting moment for some, I’d suggest holding off.
I was playing with the first developer release of macOS Catalina before my MacBook Pro decided to make a popping noise, signifying the death of a logic board capacitor. As you’d expect from such an early release, it was a bit of a mess. Several things I rely on didn’t work and app instability was common.
Typically, the first public beta is more stable than the initial release to developers but I’d hold off and definitely would not install it on a machine I relied on for work – leave silly things like that to me!
With the iOS public beta, only the truly courageous should go forth an install it.
Apple developer Marco Arment had this to say:
In other words – wait.
Whenever a beta release of software is made, I recommend holding back and not installing the software on devices you rely on. If you have an old iPhone or iPad lying around and want to play with iPadOS or iOS then go for it. But it seems this first beta release is not ready for most users.
If you’ve got a spare device or can handle instability and flaky apps, then head over to the Apple Beta Software Program site and follow the instructions to download the software you your Mac, iPad, iPhone of Apple TV.
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