Sony has said during a corporate presentation that the keywords for the PlayStation 5 will be “immersive” and “seamless”. And while game designers will have a big role to play, the new hardware Sony showed off to a select audience will go a long way to achieving those goals with performance that leaves the PS4 in its dust.
The performance boost will come through a new custom SSD along with the latest CPUs the company can get its hands on. Given the obvious boost that comes from those advances which can occur several times in the life of a console, it’s not surprising that the next generation PlayStation will boast the best hardware Sony can get its hands on.
The new CPU will be an 8-core AMD Ryzen CPU built with 7-nanometer Zen 2 microarchitecture according to .
As you can see, from this video shot shot during the presentation, the performance boost the PS5 will boast over its predecessor is significant.
Sony’s official video comparing performance of PS4 Pro vs next-gen PlayStation
— Takashi Mochizuki (@6d6f636869) May 21, 2019
Alongside the hardware comes a shift in Sony’s direction with the company’s online service, PlayStation Now. There are strong indications Sony will allow users to access PlayStation Now without needing to own a PlayStation.
Remote Play has been around for a while, allowing you to continue playing on a computer or Sony Xperia smartphone. But according to a statement by Sony “PlayStation Now: Provides immersive game experiences to users regardless of whether they own a PS4 console at all” .
Of course, we don’t even know if the new console will be officially called the PlayStation 5 or when it will be released. But the details that are making it out look tantalising and suggest the next generation of consoles will be very exciting.
[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”Sony PlayStation 5: All The Rumours So Far” excerpt=”Every seven years or so, Sony updates the PlayStation platform with all-new hardware. And that seven-year-itch is due to get scratched very soon. What can we expect from the PlayStation 5 when it possibly hits our lounge rooms next year?”]
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