This Week’s Best Game And Console Deals

Although the main shopping season is over and most retailers are focussing on back to school deals, there are still plenty of options for those who want to bolster their gaming collection. Here are some of the best console and game bargains currently doing the rounds.

Nintendo Switch Deals

Although the Switch has a recommended price of $469, you can do a little better than that.

The best deal I tracked down was Nintendo Switch Grey for $350 on Ebay. But, if you use the discount code PIXIES at check out, you can rip another 10% from that and pay just $315.

Amazon is offering the Nintendo Switch – Neon Blue and Red Joy-Con or Nintendo Switch – Grey Joy-Con for $397.
An extra dollar will deliver the same options from Catch in Grey

EB Games is stocking to the $469 price but throwing in a bonus game – Hasbro Game Night with the Neon. There’s also a Super Smash Brothers Limited Edition console with the game for $549.

Kingdom Hearts 3

Kingdom Hearts 3 landed in Australia today, with Sora, Donald Duck and Goofy meeting various characters from across the Disney films. We’ve already shopped around and tracked down the best Kingdom Hearts 3 deals in Australia with Amazon Australia and JB HiFi offering it for $69.

Xbox One Deals

Just like the Switch, there are a few deals around for the Xbox One with the best value coming from bundles assuming the included games are up your ally.

The Xbox One S with Rainbow 6 Siege, Gears of War 4 and Fallout 76 (the latter two need to be downloaded) is $349 from EBGames.

If those games aren’t your thing, Amazon has the Xbox One S for $329.

If all you’re after is a console with no extras, Ebay ruled with the same PIXIES code best deal I tracked down was Xbox One S ITB Fortnite Bundle for just $314.10.

Playstation 4 Deals

Ebay is offering the Sony PlayStation 4 Slim 1TB Black Console for $332.50 when you use the discount code PUSH5 at checkout.

I couldn’t spot any similar deals with Amazon Australia offering the PlayStation 4 500GB Console in Black for $399.


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