13 Confidence-Boosting Mantras To Try In The Mirror [Infographic]

To borrow a catchphrase from the irrepressible Ru Paul: “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?”

Sometimes, low self-esteem is linked to depression – in which case professional guidance and help is required. But other times, you just need to give yourself a pep talk about how awesome you are.

The following infographic (from plus-size fashion store Simply Be) lists some popular confidence-boosting affirmations you should tell your reflection every day. As the accompanying blog post explains:

Even the most confident among us need a self-esteem boost occasionally. One of the most effective ways to get that boost is to stand in front of the mirror, look yourself in the eye and tell yourself positive things.

One of the most effective ways to get that boost is to stand in front of the mirror, look yourself in the eye and tell yourself positive things. Why? Because improving your self-esteem isn’t up to anybody but you.

The ‘mantras’ below are designed to make you feel more comfortable in your own skin. While some of these might seem silly or condescending, you’re bound to find one or two that really speak to you. Put up some flattering lights in the bathroom and give it a try!

[Via Simply Be]


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