Google Assistant Now Works With Siri – Sort Of

While Apple and Google play well together in some areas – such as the multi-billion deal that makes Google the default search on iOS – they are on less friendly terms in others. Apple and Google, and a few others, are locked in a pitched battle to dominate automation through smart assistants such as Siri, Alexa and Google’s platform. But an update to the iOS version of Google’s Asistant proves that where there’s a will, there’s a way to bring enemies together.

The latest update of Google Assistant for iOS has added support for Apple’s Siri Shortcuts – that came from the Cupertino company’s purchase of Workflow a while ago.

The update allows you to launch Google Asistant on an iOS device by saying “Hey Siri, OK Google…” Which sounds kinda daft but gets the job done.

So, if you’ve used Google Assistant to create a specific sequence of events for your home automation system or some other process, you can now use Siri to launch that set of actions.

It sounds a little weird to use one assistant to call another but it’s a sign that the turf war being fought is starting to cool as the different platforms work together. Just as Microsoft’s Cortana now plays nicely with Amazon’s Alexa.


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