Important PSA: Get 50% Off 1kg Milo

Stop what you’re doing and prepare to chuck a sickie on Friday, because 1.1kg tins of Milo will be 50% off for three days!!!1!11!!1!!

Oz Bargain has done the Lord’s Work by posting the special, which will be available at IGA and Supa IGA stores across New South Wales and Queensland from July 27-29. It will bring the price of this true blue Aussie nectar of the Gods down to $6.99.

To every other state and territory: life is pain and I mourn your loss.

Oz Bargain has said that you can find the special in select upcoming catalogues, but it isn’t currently showing for us. But I for one choose to believe in the hope that the above screenshots brings. Don’t go breaking my heart, IGA.

It is also worth mentioning that our morning sub editor Amanda Yeo suggested that the headline for this article should be “Filling Your Tub With Milo And Bathing In It Like A Goddess Now Costs Half As Much” and she isn’t wrong.

You can view the deal and salivate here.


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