Whether you’re pre-juicing a bunch of limes for daiquiris or making a big batch of whole-lemon lemonade, all that squeezing can take a toll on your hands. There is – of course – an easier way, and it involves everyone’s favourite baking appliance.
Photo: Claire Lower
[referenced url=”https://www.lifehacker.com.au/2018/03/three-delicious-ways-to-use-the-whole-lemon/” thumb=”https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_ku-large/iyynsrz0wyrrw1jrbtp6.jpg” title=”3 Delicious Ways To Use The Whole Lemon” excerpt=”I’m a confirmed lemon freak. I love their bright acidity and subtle bitterness in applications both sweet and savoury and firmly believe that a squeeze of lemon ties any dish together; I buy them in shocking quantities, usually keeping up to 3kg in my crisper drawer.”]
That’s right, we’re talking about your stand mixer. To effectively juice a whole mess of citrus, all you need to do is quarter the fruit and toss it in the bowl of your mixer. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, turn the mixer on low, and let the paddle attachment do its thing. (If this tip seems familiar, it’s because we mentioned this tip before as part of a book review, but we really wanted to make sure you saw.)
Photo: Claire Lower
Once the juice has been extracted and the rinds look defeated, pour everything into a sieve or colander to strain out the skin and seeds, pressing down as needed to get every last drop.
Beyond juicing, you can also use your mixer as a giant muddler. If you, for instance, want to make a big batch of caipirinhas, simply add half a lime and two teaspoons of sugar for every person who wishes to imbibe. Paddle the sugar-coated limes into submission, spoon citrusy-sweet mixture into glasses with ice, and top each glass with 60ml of cachaça.
One response to “How To Juice A Bunch Of Lemons Or Limes At Once”
Great if you have a paddle mixer, but you’ll also probably want to at least rinse the lemons first if not scrub them so make sure there is no pesticide getting into your lazy lemon juice.