When you’re a geek with preferences on USB cable construction materials and a penchant for buying more than a few directional adaptors, organising the yards upon yards of wiring you’ve accumulated can be a bit daunting. Instead of learning enough knots to compete with the boys at the local yacht club, I turned to the old hook and loop fastener you might know as Velcro. With a single roll of cable-friendly straps, a pair of scissors, and somewhere to put it all, you can organise the tangled web of black cables you’ve woven around your keyboard or TV.
“It’s cool,” you might say nonchalantly as you pull out a bag of plastic zip ties. “I have these.” Well, my friend, zip ties suck. For one, once you’ve run one end of the cable tie through the ratcheting gear rack on the other end, it’s nearly impossible to undo without a pair of scissors. That inflexibility is untenable when dealing with cables you pull out of your bag on a daily basis. The softer Velcro strap also lessens the chance you’ll damage or kink your cables if they’re ever pulled or moved. In addition, adding additional cables to a bundle of wires running from behind your PC or television means simply unwrapping your current Velcro strap instead of cutting and adding a new cable tie.
Getting a handle on your cables is not only beneficial for their longevity, but also for your sanity. Keeping them organised and tidy means less wasted time searching through clutter, fewer distractions in your working environment, and a more aesthetically pleasing desk that doesn’t have a rat’s nest of cables snaking down to your PC tower, all competing to be the one cable in which your foot gets snagged.