While there won’t be another “version” of Windows, Microsoft continues to add new features and update the user interface. We can expect to see apps running in a tabbed interface instead of seperate windows, the ability to copy and paste between devices (like Apple’s Continuity feature), and a timeline that lets you look back through that you were working on during a given day.
The new Timeline feature looks very nifty. Integrated into the Task View, Timeline presents a chronological view of what you did each day so you can drop back into a task. It will help you solve problems like “I need to work on that thing I was doing last Thursday but I can’t remember where I stored the document”.
The new tabbed interface, called Sets (which isn’t the final name for the feature according to Microsoft) will rearrange what you’re working on so that instead of each application sitting in its own window, your active apps will reside in one window with each app in its own tab – much like multiple browser-based apps using their own tabs in one browser instance.
While the Timeline looks set for release in the next major release of Windows 10, dubbed Redstone 4, Sets isn’t likely to make the same release. But we can expect to see it pop up in Inside Ring releases as Microsoft experiments and refines the new feature.
We can also expect to see the ability to copy and paste content between devices get some attention in the upcoming release. We were expecting Handoff, Microsoft’s name for this feature, to appear in the Fall Update that arrived recently but it looks like it will make it to the next release along with Timeline.
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