For years, my morning routine included one or two trips back into the house to grab stuff I’d forgotten to add to my bag. Then I realised the obvious solution, one that could also save me the dreaded walks from one end of my cosy apartment to the other: Just buy another copy of everything. While some instances of this are obvious — tissue boxes, lip balm — there’s probably some extra item that you could double up on to improve your life. Here are the Lifehacker team’s favourites:
Photo by Matej Duzel
- Get a laptop cord for every room you use your computer in.
- Buy makeup in twos: One for the purse, one for the bathroom.
- Same goes for everything in your bag: Sunglasses, medicine, hand sanitiser, headphones.
- Keep a bundle of mobile phone chargers around for guests.
- Double up on tweezers: One in the bedroom, one in the bathroom.
- Double up on cleaning supplies for the kitchen and bathroom cupboards, especially paper towels. You’ll end up cleaning each a little more often if you don’t have to schlep, and you’ll stop vaguely worrying about cross-contamination.
- Buy a few cheap umbrellas to hand to trapped houseguests. Believe me, they will thank you like you just pardoned them from debtors’ prison.
- Keep a set of spare house keys at work (in a secure spot, of course). Handy for yourself, your partner, and anyone you send to your home in an emergency.
- Buy one million hair ties and scatter them throughout your home, which is where they would end up anyway.