During the opening address to Veeam’s channel partners and resellers, Co-CEO and President Peter McKay discussed the company’s recruitment plans for the next year. The privately owned company, which is pursuing some very rapid growth as it strives to push past the US$1B sales mark over the next couple of years, from today’s US$607M, they plan to add a lot of new staff, bolstering the 1000 they’ve added over the last year or so.
When aggressively pursuing sales and new personnel, it can be tempting to engage in a mass-recruitment exercise that results in hiring people with the best availability rather than the best people of the job.
In discussing what kinds of people Veeam wants. McKay said the focus is on three key qualities. He wants people that are hungry, humble and smart.
Although it makes for a nice slogan or sound-bite, it’s a reflection of something I’m seeing in IT recruitment across the board. the focus on technical skills is being diminished, with soft skills a greater focus.
Although technical skills are very important, there’s a growing recognition that they aren’t the only skills needed for success.
Anthony Caruana is attending VeeamOn in New Orleans as a guest of Veeam