Although Microsoft’s efforts to break into the smartphone market have not gone to plan, they are still pushing out updates for the platform. MSPowerUser reports that even though many devices are no longer eligible for feature updates, they can get other cumulative updates.
This is good news as many Windows Phone users may have been wondering how they would be supported with the platform falling flat. But Microsoft will continue supporting devices – at least for the foreseeable future.
The MSPowerUser article gives instructions for unsupported devices running the Creators Update, unsupported device not on the Windows 10 Creators Update, and if you are using a device in an unsupported state and want to return your device to a supported state.
The magic happens in the Update & security section of Settings where you can choose which update program ring suits your specific situation.
4 responses to “Unsupported Windows Phones Can Get Windows 10 Updates”
I’m sure both users are pleased!
You forgot to mention which android phone you posted that from!
– Posted from my Galaxy N*!@! *explosion*
So the 2 windows phone users left will now get some updates?
Just gave up on my Windows phone a month ago. Very sad moment. I was a huge fan. It felt like I was dumped to be honest.