There are many ways you can answer this week’s KIQ. It all depends on your circumstances.
Lynn Taylor is a workplace expert and author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How To Manage Childish Boss Behaviour and Thrive in Your Job. She has a great deal of experience with tricky interview questions and the hardest ones to answer, according to Lynn, are those that have a negative spin on them.
Interviewers often throw out negative questions to see how applicants perform under pressure.
“When you’re really in the hot seat, you’re more apt to say something you later regret; and many hiring managers are looking for holes or inconsistencies in your story,” Taylor told Business Insider. “They also know that if you can emerge unscathed, you’ll likely overcome many challenges on the job.”
One of these questions is: What’s your biggest concern about this position?
This is a highly subjective question and how you answer it really depends on how well you get along with the interviewer. According to Taylor:
“For instance, if you think an offer is very likely, but you’re concerned about the salary range, and that’s a deal breaker, this is your chance to address that. But if you’re early on in the process and have no issues, a possible response is: ‘I’m actually very excited about this opportunity and have little concern. I’d just want to make sure I answer any questions you may have that we haven’t yet covered.”
How would you tackle this question? Let us know in the comments.