Fish hooks can be dangerous to work with, especially if you’re inexperienced. An empty dental floss dispenser can keep the pointy, barbed end away from your fingers while you tie on your line.
In this video from the MAD Science Hacks YouTube channel, you’ll learn a clever way to repurpose something you’d normally throw away. On your next fishing trip, you can pop the container open, lock a hook in place and tie a line on without worrying about hooking yourself. Then, once you have your knot tied, you can cut off the excess line with the tiny metal blade. The key here is to get the right kind of dental floss container. You need one that spools out floss through a small hole and has one of those tiny metal blades for this to work. This is a great trick for those new to fishing, like kids, or for those who like to crack open a few cold ones while they fish. Otherwise, you may accidentally catch yourself, and that’s not a good time.
Fishing life hack you didn’t know (Homemade fishing gadget) [YouTube]
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