Use Netflix Fast To Test Your Connectivity Speed

Having issues with your internet streaming quality and can’t figure out why? Netflix’s ‘Fast’ web app might be able to help: it tests your mobile and broadband speeds instantly with no need to download or click anything. Handily, the service is free to use whether you’re a Netflix user or not.

Fast calculates your internet speed by performing a series of downloads from Netflix servers when you connect to the site. Unlike the Netflix ISP Speed Index, it measures your personal internet speed at any given time, as opposed to the average monthly speed of your internet service provider.

The service is ad free and very bare-bones to make it as user friendly as possible: you just get a big Mbps number and a link to to compare your speed to other users.

“We all want a faster, better Internet, yet Internet speeds vary greatly and can be affected by other users on your network or congestion with your Internet service provider,” Netflix said in a statement. “When you’re experiencing streaming issues, Fast allows you to check the download speeds you’re getting from your Internet service provider.”

If you’re experiencing unexplained slowdowns, Fast won’t provide any answers but it will at least give you a hard download speed number to take to your ISP or telco.

[Via Netflix]


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