You can typically get a discount on big purchases like appliances or electronics, even at large retailers, just by haggling with the sales associate. And if you’re making that purchase online, expert deal hunter Kyle James suggests haggling via live chat instead.
Photo by CollegeDegrees360.
Over at his site, Rather Be Shopping, James says that any time you make a large purchase online, you should open a chat window and politely ask for a better price. James illustrates how he did this to get a $50 discount on his laptop. He simply asked the chat rep if they “had some wiggle room on the price”. After a couple of minutes, the rep came back to him with a better deal, asking if he wanted to pay directly in via chat or just get a quote and pay through the site. Easy.
To save even more, James says you should ask for the discount before applying any coupon codes. In case you can combine both, you’ll save even more cash. Check out his full post at the link below. He offers a handful of additional advice and a transcript of his actual haggling.
Frugal Hack #30: Learn How to Negotiate a Lower Price Via Live Chat [Rather Be Shopping]