When it comes to first dates, dinner or evening drinks is a lot of people’s go-to. That may seem romantic, but your mental resources are almost depleted by the end of the day, and that can make your first date your only date.
Photo by Sigfrid Lundberg.
Over the course of your day, focusing on tasks, making decisions, and other forms of sustained cognitive engagement drain your brain and cause a shift in your behaviour. Basically, you’re tired and grumpy, even if you don’t realise it. As behavioural scientist Francesca Gino explains at Scientific American, research shows that by the time you sit down with your dinner date, you’ll be more easily distracted, you won’t process information as well, and you’ll be more cynical toward your date and judge them a little more harshly. You’ll also be ruder and more likely to make poor decisions. That’s why Gino suggests you try for a breakfast date or morning coffee date. Your mental resources will be refreshed (assuming you slept ok), and you’ll be more present.
It may not be as romantic as a candlelit dinner or cocktails at a swanky jazz club, but you’ll actually care about what they’re saying and be less judgmental. Besides, most first dates are for getting to know the other person, not trying to sweep them off their feet (especially for online dating). Nobody wants to date a grump, so think about that before you make plans for your next first date. The same goes for scheduling other interactions like interviews and meetings as well.
Why Meeting a First Date for Breakfast Might not Be a Bad Idea [Scientific American]