Brief video items of note for Lifehacker readers: bows and arrows can be brutal against flesh, blind man beats Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, silly girl dives into pool to save her “hoverboard”.
- A fascinating video of an arrow slicing through pieces of meat and a slab of ballistic gel can be viewed on Gizmodo Australia.
- A blind man beats Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time after five years of trying. How did he do it? You can watch a clip of him playing the game and learn more about this story on Kotaku Australia.
- There’s a viral video of a girl diving into a pool to salvage her “hoverboard”. What do you think? Is it real or fake? Check it out and make up your mind at Gizmodo Australia.
- Someone remade the Powerpuff Girls opening in GTA. It’s terrible and yet I can’t stop watching. See for yourself.
- Using Doritos to kindle fire really works. Watch it in action here.