Cisco is pushing its development platform very heavily at Cisco Live 2015 in San Diego. We spoke with Phil Coll, the CEO of UnifiedFX, a Glasgow-based unified comms software developer, about how it uses Cisco’s sandbox.
Lifehacker’s Cisco Live 2015 news is presented by our ongoing IT Pro coverage, offering practical advice for deploying tech in the workplace.
“The Cisco sandbox is an environment where you can have Cisco provide to you a with a development environment that consists of the server technology, the operating system and the phone management system. In addition to that they also supply you with the telephones”.
From UnifiedFX’s point of view, there’s a massive saving of time and effort in creating the infrastructure needed to serve customers.
In the past, configuring the phones meant a long process of shipping phones from Cisco to UnifiedFX’s office where they were configured and then sent out to the customer. And maintenance costs are greatly reduced as handsets can be remotely managed if there’s a problem, negating the need to send engineers onsite.
Instead, UnifiedFX is able to use their software through the sandbox to remotely configure and manage customers’ phones.
“Cisco will have all the phones in the lab ready for you to use. When you want to use them, you just open up our software and you access and touch all those phones and anything to those phones from any part of the world that you could do if those phones were sitting on your desk,” explains Coll.
One of the projects UnifiedFX worked on was with surgeons in a hospital. They created an application that made it easier to contact surgeons when they were required for emergency surgeries.
Using a notification system, they created a system that made a wireless Cisco wireless handset ring, vibrate and display a text message when there was a critical event.
Disclaimer: Anthony Caruana travelled to Cisco Live in San Diego as a guest of Cisco.