Linux: This beautiful Arch Linux desktop takes us down to the beach. Our friend dobbie03 submitted it, and here’s how he made it.
Dobbie03 recently switched from Manjaro to Arch proper (you may remember his last Manjaro desktop) and created this beautiful workspace to go with it. If you like the look, here’s what you’ll need to recreate it:
- The wallpaper, which he uploaded for us
- Gnome Shell 3.16, which he highly recommends
- The Activities Configurator for Gnome Shell to customise the Activities button and panel
- The Vertex Light GTK Theme for the overall UI
- The Ozon OS Icon Pack along with the Vertex icons
- Conky, a lightweight system monitor for Linux systems
- The Elegance Rainmeter Conky theme, a Conky theme designed to look like Rainmeter’s Elegance 2 theme (if you couldn’t tell)
- The CoverGloobus utility on the desktop as a now-playing/music player monitor
- The Jane Austen CoverGloobus theme to customise it
That’s about it. Many of the themes and customisations dobbie03 made on his own, which are great. He shared a few other screenshots of his desktop at work, like this one below with windows open:
And this one below with CoverGloobus and Conky (and a few other things) visible:
Some of his tweaks and customisations are unique, so if you’re trying to duplicate this on your Linux desktop and run into trouble, head over to his Kinja blog post (linked below) to read more and ask questions.
Summer Evening Desktop [Dobbie03]