There has been an explosion of job opportunities in the mobile app and games industry, and the industry is showing no signs of slowing down. If you are looking to diversify your skills and grab a piece of the pie, we’ve got the information you need to get started – with Australia’s first and only post graduate course in Mobile Applications Development from Charles Sturt University and IT Masters.
The Master of Mobile Applications Development will have you developing apps and games using PhoneGap, Unity and Xamerin for all the major platforms including Apple iOS, Android and Windows Phone.
You’ll cover a range of topics in subjects designed by industry experts, from programming (no experience necessary) to current app trends, IT ethics, marketing, games and more.
For a final project you will even have the opportunity to publish an app that you have designed!
Read the course schedule here.
It takes two years to complete the course via distance education, with the first session starting in March.
You have the option to test the waters with the Graduate Certificate of Mobile Applications Development (four subjects) and later move into the Masters with full credit, or dive straight in to the Master of Mobile Applications Development.
Applications for the next session close May 18.
Apply here now.
Mobile app development is the world’s fastest growing IT employment sector and the employment options for graduates are expanding every day. Of course there are the big guys – Apple, Google, Microsoft – but the potential business opportunities creating apps to sell or designing apps for clients are endless. It’s difficult to find an industry that isn’t currently utilising apps either for consumers or internally.
Don’t get left behind – start your study today.