Wine and candles go together like chocolate and Valentine’s Day. Once you pop open the bottle, save the cork (if it has one). You can turn it into a cheap candle later.
Photo by Jocelyn Noel Photography
Corks work well as as makeshift candles. Place them upright inside a fire-safe candle holder and light one end. As with anything involving fire, be cautious. Remember that an alcohol-soaked cork is flammable over its entire surface, so place it in a safe place before you light it.
How to turn your corks into candles [A Subtle Revelry via BuzzFeed]
3 responses to “Soak Corks In Alcohol To Make Cheap Candles”
I wonder if wrapping the outside of the cork in tinfoil would mean it would just burn down from the top…
You know what else makes a great cheap candle?
A candle. Which is cheap.
Haha no those packs of 5 for $2 are ludicrously expensive