Kubernetes is a Google-led project to create an open source manager for Docker containers. Although only launched in June, Kubernetes now has some other friends in the big end of town: Microsoft, IBM and Red Hat have all signed up to support the project.
Microsoft will work on code to ensure Kubernetes can manage Linux virtual machines within its Azure platform. IBM and Red Hat will work on code to integrate Kubernetes into hybrid cloud environments.
Google’s announcement contains a neat summary of why the container-led approach is useful in cloud environments:
Containers offer tremendous advantages for developers. Predictable deployments and simple scalability are possible because Docker packages all of a workload’s dependencies with the application. This allows for ultimate portability; you can avoid vendor lock-in and run containers in the cloud of your choice. It is just as important that the management framework has the same properties of portability and scalability, and that is what the community will bring to Kubernetes.
Welcome Microsoft, RedHat, IBM, Docker and more to the Kubernetes community [Google Official Enterprise Blog]