Microsoft’s new CEO Satya Nadella took to the stage at Microsoft’s Code Conference this week to show off the company’s latest trick -– Skype Translator. Ever since I started watching sci-fi as a kid, I’ve always marvelled at how people from different races could communicate by automatically hearing and trandslating different languages. It seems that science fiction is getting closer to science reality.
Microsoft is claiming that the Skype Translator is able to translate the spoken word “grammatically and semantically correct” between languages. Given some of the interesting results you can get using Google’s Translator, this is a very bold claim and one we’re are looking forward to putting to the test.
Of course, it all works perfectly in the video.
The service isn’t here yet but the promise is that we’ll have it, as a beta version, later this year and it will be part of the standard Skype installation.
Microsoft demos breakthrough in real-time translated conversations [Microsoft Blog]