You’d think talking would be one of those things we’ve mastered by the time we’re adults. Yet we haven’t even got breathing properly down. If you’re trying to make your voice sound better and project more, start by finding your voice’s “mask.”
As explained by the Art of Manliness, you can identify your voice’s “mask” by closing your lips and generating a casual “mmhmm” sound. As you do this, you’ll feel a slight vibration in the area of your face between your upper lip and nose. This will help you find your natural pitch and tone, what’s known as the “mask” area. It’s also much better than trying to force a deeper tone by speaking from the throat:
When you speak from your lower throat to get that low pitch, you produce a sound that lacks carrying power. Try speaking with an artificially lowered pitch again. Go as low as you can, but speak as loud as you can. Dimes to doughnuts you couldn’t get very loud and your voice sounded sort of muffled. I also bet your vocal cords felt a bit strained too.
The advice is aimed towards men, who may more often feel pressure to speak in a lower voice than normal. However, everyone can benefit from learning to speak in a natural tone. Even if you’re not trying to make your voice sound clearer, it’s helpful to avoid unnecessary strain on your vocal chords and reduce voice strain and soreness.
How to Develop a Manly Voice [Art of Manliness]
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