March 14 is often said to be Pi day, since the value of Π is 3.14 (if you express it to just two decimal places). While no rational Australian writes the date in the format 3/14, celebrate anyway with this reminder of the functions for accessing an approximate value of Π in different languages.
Pi picture from Shutterstock
Rosetta Code lists built-in mathematical functions across 83 languages, though not all those languages include Π as a built-in function. Math.Pi, anyone?
Real constants and functions [Rosetta Code]
6 responses to “Pi Day: Functions For Including Pi In Your Code”
Isn’t Pi Day the 22nd of July…22/7?
22/7 != Pi
It does to 2 decimal places, which was the opening premise in the article anyway, so I think Philbyfish gets a pass on that.
considering the date is the 14/3/2014 , its not PI (3.14159265359…) day
No, that makes it 0.00231711 day. Accurate but not as catchy.
“While no rational Australian writes the date in the format 3/14”. Please make my day and tell me that pun was intentional.
Silly Americans and their weird date formats :p
I’ll wait to celebrate Pi on the 3rd day of the 14th month tyvm… Oh wait… Maybe I’ll just go buy a pie from the bakery as an excuse to celebrate Pi :p
While no rational Australian writes the date in the format 3/14
I see what you did there..