Readers offer their best tips for juicing up your Chrome bookmarks and creating heat maps of your Foursquare check-ins.
Every day we receive stacks of great reader tips. From the Tips Box is where we round up some of our favourites. Got a tip of your own to share? Add it in the comments or send it using our [contact text=”contact form”].
Add Custom Tags and Screenshots to Chrome Bookmarks with Dewey
Jamie shares a Chrome extension that beefs up bookmarks:
I just wanted to let you know that we created a free and open-source app called Dewey. It’s a Chrome extension that lets you add tags and screenshots to help manage Chrome bookmarks better. It also gives you some better bookmark search tools, like letting you search tags. You can also sort bookmarks by tag, date, or title. Hope you enjoy!
Create a Heat Map of Foursquare Check-Ins with Google Fusion Tables
Billy shares a tip for creating heat maps of your Foursquare check-ins:
Now that Google Maps no longer supports direct KML imports, we have to import that data into fusion tables to let map geeks visualise their check-in data. It’s pretty simple to set up. You just need to export a KML link from Foursquare and then create a new fusion table using that link. I put together a quick post with instructions.
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