One of Lifehacker’s key philosophies is “think like a developer”, and we’re always grateful for the cool software developers build for everyone. These are the 10 most popular developer posts from Lifehacker in 2013.
Programming picture from Shutterstock
Dev Reminder: You Have No Choice But To Update For iOS 7
Apple’s iOS 7 update officially launches on 18 September, which means Australians may see it in the late hours of this evening. That makes it timely to remind developers that any iOS app which you’ve already created won’t be able to be updated from now on without making it iOS 7 compatible as well.
The Life Of A Developer In 31 GIFs
Drupal developer Martin Valasek has compiled a series of animated GIFs illustrating common moments in a developer’s daily life. The one you can see above is captioned ‘When I manage to replace 200 lines of the algorithm by only 10 lines’.
Ask LH: Should I Use PhoneGap To Build Mobile Apps?
Dear Lifehacker, I am looking at writing an iPhone app mostly just for fun. I am currently a web developer and so I was looking at using PhoneGap to speed up the job, since I know how to develop websites and this would also save me the hassle of having to learn C (or a related language). The added advantage to PhoneGap is I could also release the app on multiple platforms like Android.
Microsoft, Why Don’t You Want Us To Use Visual Studio Express 2013?
Visual Studio 2013 was released a few days ago and with it, updated Express editions for hobbyists and those who don’t require the full spectrum of features the commercial product provides. Unfortunately, VS Express 2013 for Windows Desktop shares a problem with its 2012 predecessor — the removal of the Exception Assistant.
Ask LH: Which Programming Language Should I Learn First?
Dear Lifehacker, With all the buzz about learning to code, I’ve decided to give it a try. The problem is I’m not sure where to start. What’s the best programming language for a beginner like me?
This Raspberry Pi Manual Teaches You Basic Programming Principles
Trying to figure out what you can do with a Raspberry Pi? The free Raspberry Pi Education Manual is a wonderful 172-page resource that can help you learn more about programming and computer science.
Why Did Cross-Platform BBM Fall Over So Quickly?
BlackBerry’s plans to make BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) available on Android and iOS took an unexpected turn when the apps that made that possible were withdrawn less than 24 hours after becoming available. So what went wrong? The man who originally built BBM explains what happened, offering a lesson for any large-scale cross-platform deployment.
Top 10 Tactics For Learning PowerShell
With more than 2400 commandlets, learning Windows Server automation language PowerShell can seem like an overwhelming task — but in truth there’s only one commandlet you really need to know. PowerShell co-creator Jeffrey Snover offers his top strategies for learning the system.
Get A Better Understanding Of Google Chrome’s Memory Usage
Browsers have fast become one of the biggest memory hogs on modern PCs. The reality is the web is becoming more media-rich and as a result, browser memory usage is increasing. Chrome, as lightweight as it purports to be, is no exception. While there isn’t a great deal you can do to optimise it, by understanding what’s going on under the hood, you can minimise its footprint.
The Exceptional Beauty Of Doom 3’s Source Code
This is a story about Doom 3’s source code and how beautiful it is. Yes, beautiful. Allow me to explain.