Quickflix has started selling TV episodes and Season passes for playback on PCs, Macs and a variety of Samsung Smart Devices.
We’ve known about the impending sell-through deal for some time now, thanks to Quickflix trumpeting its deal to sell HBO’s phenomenally popular Game Of Thrones, although in that case it appears that it’ll only be for the first three seasons thanks to Foxtel’s own HBO exclusivity deal.
Pricing is a little variable compared to Apple’s iTunes TV store pricing. Taking Game Of Thrones as an example, episodes cost $2.99/$3.49 from either Apple or Quickflix depending on your SD/HD tastes, and a Season Pass will cost you $28.99 for an SD season pass from either provider. However, if you want an HD season pass, Quickflix’s HD version is $33.99 to Apple’s $34.99.