Although business cards may very well become extinct one day, most of us still have of a handful lying around. If you want to liven up your next networking event, it’s surprisingly easy to turn a stack of your business cards into a tear-off pad.
Instructables user PropPrintables guides us through the process. Essentially, all you’re doing is using pencils and rubber bands to firmly clamp a stack of around 50 cards, then applying a coat of glue to one end. After a night of drying, the stack should hold together while still allowing you to remove individual cards without damage.
While this trick may not seem terribly useful, the act of giving someone a business card is essentially an attempt to make an impression. Tearing one off a notepad-style stack, if nothing else, may just make you stand out among a sea of people at a networking event or job fair.
Tear-em-off Business Cards [Instructables]
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