Getting ahead in your job means more than just doing that job well: it means building your network, promoting your activities, and planning your long-term career strategy. But how much time does that take?
LinkedIn commissioned a survey of 3200 professionals in Europe, Singapore and Australia. That study found that two-thirds of workers thought that more than 30 minutes a day needed to be invested in career development. In contrast, LinkedIn’s hired expert William Aruda argues that you can do most of what you need in under 10 minutes a day.
Unsurprisingly, many of Aruda’s suggestions are LinkedIn-specific. Nonetheless, as a checklist for career improvement, they’re a potential starting point. Here’s what he recommends:
- Work on building a network of contacts.
- Document your major workplace achievements.
- Be supportive to others so they’ll support you when the time comes.
- Actively solicit recommendations and references.
- Update your status (on LinkedIn or elsewhere) with career information daily, and make sure your profile is current.
- Start a blog or join an active career discussion group in your field.
- Create a video resume to stand out from the crowd.
- Help others find staff — that will pay big benefits later.
- Research and stay up-to-date on your industry.
Check out the cheesy infographic below for more details from the survey:
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