Here’s a weird thing about roughly one in five attendees is also a speaker. That means the speakers dinner (which also incorporates volunteers) is a bigger event than you might anticipate. This time around, we pretty much filled the function centre at Sovereign Hill, where we drank a lot of beer, ate a lot of food and soaked up a little colonial history.
It rained late last night as we were returning. This was a good thing in terms of lowering the temperature, but a bad thing in terms of getting saturated walking back to the accommodation. Nearly everyone I’ve talked to has compared the accommodation to prison cells, which I think is a little harsh. Yes, the walls are breeze blocks and the cupboards are unlined, but I really doubt that the average prison cell has an Ethernet port.
I haven’t been paying as much attention to the conference proper today, because I’ve been busy rewriting and rehearsing for my presentation tomorrow (which you’ll be able to watch streamed from 11:30 on Thursday). I normally wing it off a list of points when I’ve got a presentation to make, but that’s not an ideal strategy when you have 40 minutes to fill. Add in the fact that I want to publish a transcript afterwards on Lifehacker and the urge to keep tweaking is hard to resist. At least all my practice writing novels over the last couple of years means I’m more confident about writing at that length. But I’ll feel so much more relaxed when it’s over.
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